The one thousand origami cranes were originally popularized through the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who was two years old when she was exposed to radiation from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II. Sasaki soon developed leukemia and, at age 12 after spending a significant amount of time in a hospital, began making origami cranes with the goal of making one thousand, inspired by the senbazuru legend. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum states that she completed the 1,000 cranes and more. There is a statue of Sadako holding a crane in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, and every year on Obon day, people leave cranes at the statue in memory of the departed spirits of their ancestors. Thank you to Diana Bangert Drowns, Lisa Nolan and Corinna Duvall for organizing and installing our cranes. Thank you to all who created our in actuality 1200 cranes.