A Place of
Courageous Hospitality
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy says that the liturgy is not a private act and the entire church is called to active, conscious participation in the rites. The Holy Spirit pours out gifts which make it possible for every Christian person to assume ministries and forms of service that complement one another for the good of all.
Liturgical ministers are not merely volunteers, but persons who dedicate and develop their gifts for the good of the Church.
If you feel called to serve, please email [email protected]
Liturgical Coordinator
Serves as point person for all liturgical ministers, checking them in, providing instruction as needed and finding subs at Masses, if needed. Must arrive 20 minutes early to Mass.
Adult Acolyte
For those who have been confirmed and are well-acquainted with the action of the liturgy. These people have the ability to think on their feet, assist the presider, read the general intercessions and cue the altar server as needed.
For anyone who loves to read and proclaim. Proclaims the Old and New Testament readings at Mass. Requires home preparation and being comfortable speaking in front of others.
Eucharistic Minister
For those who have been confirmed. Shared the Body and Blood of Christ with the worshiping assembly. Requires an ease with others, attentiveness to surroundings, ability to think on your feet and flexibility.
Minister of Hospitality
Enjoys interaction, arrives early enough to greet parishioners as they arrive for Mass, is attentive to latecomers and directs them to seating, takes the collection and distributes bulletins as the assembly leaves the church.
Leader of Liturgy of the Word for Children
At the 11:00 Mass, children have the opportunity to experience the Gospel stories and share activities according to their developmental ages. In this way, the Gospel stories become a part of their lives through enjoyable, hands-on experiences. Lessons and materials are provided. There are two age groups, and ministers can specify which they are comfortable leading:
- Small Children: toddler to first grade (accompanied by parent)
- School Age: second to sixth grade
A background check and completion of Safe Environment training is required for this ministry.
Music Minister
For all those who love to sing and/or play a musical instrument. Rehearsals are most Tuesdays at 7:30 PM and 40 minutes before Mass.
For anyone who loves to write in a poetic and prayerful way. This role composes the General Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful) for our weekend Masses. This can be emailed to the Parish Secretary by Wednesday at 2:00 PM.
Veronica Ministry
Launders and presses the linens used during Mass. Picks up linens after 11:00 AM Mass and returns them for the Masses the following weekend.
Coffee Hour Co-Coordinator
Prepares coffee, sets up refreshments and cleans up after either the 8:30 AM or 11:00 Masses. Families and groups can sign up to host together. While some people choose to bring snacks, it is not necessary.
Presider at Communion Services
Leads prayer at communion services. Requires comfort leading a group in prayer, ability to read Scripture and, on occasion, share insights.
Funeral Minister
Volunteers (on short notice) to attend funerals, prepares the church, provides comfort and hospitality to the bereaved, and serves in liturgical ministries as needed.
** ln addition to the requirements for all volunteers, anyone 16 or older who ministers to children, must complete Safe Environment training, have a background check, and sign the Code of Conduct. This is a national requirement of the United States Bishops.
These things are asked of you:
Ministers can depend on the parish team for: